

  • I-Polyacrylamlacka i-90%

    I-Polyacrylamlacka i-90%

    Polyacrylamide (PAM) is a linear water-soluble polymer, the general term for acrylamide homopolymers or copolymers and modified products, the most widely used variety of water-soluble polymers, and known as “Auxiliary agent for all industries”. Based on the structure of polyacrylamide, it can be divided into non-ionic, anionic and cationic polyacrylamide. According to the molecular weight of polyacrylamide, it can be divided into ultra-low molecular weight, low molecular weight, medium molecular weight, high molecular weight and ultra-high molecular weight. Our company has developed a full range of polyacrylamide products through cooperation with scientific institutions.Our PAM products includes oil exploitation series, non-ionic series, anion series, cationic series. Uluhlu lwe-molecular lubanzi lwe-polyacrylacyside yi-500 yamawaka ~ 30 yezigidi. Widely used in various fields such as water treatment, oil exploitation, paper-making, textiles, mineral processing, coal washing, sand washing, soil conditioner, etc.

  • Cation Polyacrylamide widely used in industrial wastewater ,sludge dewatering for municipal and flocculating setting. I-Cadic Polyicrysackade yesidanga esahlukileyo se-Ionic inokukhethwa ngokwe-sludries eyahlukileyo kunye neepropathi zobugqi.

  • I-N-Methylol Acryside 98%

    I-N-Methylol Acryside 98%


    IipropathiIkristale emhlophe. It is a type of self-crosslink monomer with double bond and active function group. It is unstable in humid air or water and easy to polymerize. In the presence of acid in aqueous solution, it will quickly polymerize into insoluble resin.

  • N, n'-methylenebisacysside 99%
  • Isisombululo se-Acrylam

    Isisombululo se-Acrylam

    Yamkela itekhnoloji yasimahla ye-Arrier-yasimahla yeYunivesithi yaseTunghua. Ngeempawu zobunyulu obuphakamileyo kunye nokukhuseleka, akukho mxholo wesinyithi ophantsi kunye ne-Iron esezantsi, ilungele ukuveliswa kwePolymer.

  • Our company cooperates with East China University of Science and Technology, and firstly adopts continuous reaction in kettle and Continuous distillation process for the production of Furfuryl alcohol. Gcwalisa ngokupheleleyo ukusabela kubushushu obuphantsi kunye nokusebenza okude ngokuzenzekelayo, ukwenza umgangatho uzinzo ngakumbi kunye nemveliso yemveliso esezantsi.

  • Ukudibana okuhle, kulula ukudibanisa isanti, umphezulu wokuphosa umzimba, ukuchaneka okuphezulu.

    It can be used for the production of cast steel, cast iron, and non-ferrous metal castings. Inepropathi egqwesileyo egqwesileyo, amandla aphezulu, ukuguquka okuhle kunye nokukhululwa ngokulula.

    Isanti ebumba kulula ukwahlukana kwaye iphinde ivuselele, inciphise indleko zokuphosa.

  • Phawula

    Umxube unobomi benkonzo ende

  • Phawula

    Ilungele ukuveliswa kwentsimbi yentsimbi, i-iron yentsimbi kunye ne-non-firsus.

    Amandla aphezulu kunye ne-resin ephantsi.

    Akukho mbane inqatyisiweyo, ivumba eliphantsi kunye nengozi esezantsi yokusingqongileyo.

  • I-CO2 inyanga i-alkaline ye-alkaline ye-phenolin

    I-CO2 inyanga i-alkaline ye-alkaline ye-phenolin


    Akukho nto iphosakeleyo yokuphosa i-N, P, S, njl. Njl.

    Umxholo ophantsi we-phenol yasimahla kunye ne-Aldehyde ye-Aldehyde e-Resen, ukhuseleko lwendalo esingqongileyo kunye nezempilo

    Isanti yesanti (isiseko) sinokungahambi kakuhle

    Inkqubo ilula, ukusebenza kakuhle kwemveliso kuphezulu, kwaye ukuveliswa ngokuzenzekelayo kunokufezekiswa.